Whitepaper Circular Businessmodels (ENG)
This Whitepaper presents the essence of research into existing and emerging circular business models (CBMs). This results in the identification of seven basic types of CBM, divided into three groups that together form a classification. This Whitepaper consists of three parts.
▪ The first part discusses the background and explains the circular economy (CE), the connection with sustainability, business models and an overview of circular business models.
▪ In the second part, an overview is given of the developed classification of CBM, and each basic type is described based on its characteristics. This has resulted in seven knowledge maps. Finally, the last two, more future-oriented models are further explained and illustrated.
▪ The third part looks back briefly at the reliability of the classification made and then at the aspects of change management in working on and with a CBM.
Based on the researcch a tool was developed: Quick Scan CBM.
Read more about the project QuickScan Circulaire Businessmodellen